Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Statics Problems and the like.

Today's lecture was probably the most interesting so far. The calculations required some substitution so I felt as though I skills I had learned previously were coming becoming useful. Still very very basic, but it's better than simply number plugging into equations and looking at charts. I enjoy doing problems in class, this generates questions and focuses on fixing the misunderstandings. I am certainly experiencing at this point the issues that can arise from an a liberal arts 3-2 program. My general physics class did cover statics extensively and I know how to do these problems. However, little missing bits in my education appear every now and again, for example not knowing what a Moment its (Force*Distance), that prove to be hangups in my education. Therefore I am forced to start anew relearning what I have already learned twice before in order to fill in these small holes.

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